Kat Ryan is a natural with kids and families!  In our family retreat in Costa Rica she led private classes that  engaged, enlightened and entertained us all, ages 7 to 48.  Gently guiding and encouraging without pushing too hard,she got us to stretch ourselves mentally and physically plus provided a memorable family yoga experience that we brought back with us to busy New York City.  Her ways of talking to kids (and adults) about themselves and their negative and self-critical thoughts are transformative and uplifting, a melding of East and West that remains relevant and highly accessible as well as useful in daily life.  Thanks, Kat!” – Susan Vaughan, Psychiatrist, Columbia, NY City, Mother of Savannah (12) & Witty (6)

“I’m excited about the new Storytelling Yoga by Kathryn Ryan. I’ve known Kathryn for many years through our yoga and children connections; she is both fair and fun which is an essential combination for happy children. Kathryn has a great ability to listen to children and gain their cooperation.  She makes it look effortless! Kathryn is a very special teacher and I am always happy to refer new students to her. I’m confident that parents will be pleased with their choice to entrust their children to her care. On a personal note, Kathryn has gone above and beyond the average when it comes to kids yoga.  She has taken my training and excelled at it and has promoted kids yoga at the Young Yoga Masters booth at the yoga show in Toronto in 2011.”  – Aruna Kathy Humphrys YoungYogaMasters.com

“Kath Ryan has a gift with children – she knows how to engage, energize and draw them out. ”  Kristi, mother of Jackson, 6.

You’re amazing!” – Mai Meret, 123 KidsYoga 

Kath engages easily with children; her understanding of developmental stages, combined with her patience and love of fun, make her a natural children’s educator. And my kids absolutely adore her; that’s all I need to know!” Jill, mother of Sean, 9 and David, 5.

My sons love spending time with her. She’s brought boundless energy into our lives.– K. Heath – mother of Jack, 9, Grady 5.

Kathryn is a caring person that you can’t help but want to trust your kids to. She keeps kids busy, but happy busy, so that when they come home they can’t stop talking about what they did all day. There’s never a dull moment when Kathryn’s around.” – Johann, father of Ari, 9, Jade 5.

“Kath Ryan is the kind of person you want your kids to hang around. She believes in an individual’s expression, and in discovery and imagination.– Ashley Botting, Toronto improv performer & Second City Alum